Many workers daydream about leaving their desk jobs behind to chase their true passions but turning fantasies into reality can be a scary walk out onto a limb. Walking away from a cosy job can mean tossing out benefits and perks that have come to define success of the sort everyone is toiling away for and face the unknown.
"Ten years ago I was working as a freelance business editor. I'd just sold my condo for almost twice what I'd paid two years earlier and I decided to take a three-month backpacking trip through Europe. I started in Dublin and ended up in a tree house hostel on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. [ READ MORE : ]Unless you love what you're doing now and would be content with it , there's GRIEF in ignoring or make yourself oblivious to what your real innards are. One place to begin is to dig back into your roots and see IF there's something that runs in the family. Perhaps some smithing ability or a secret recipe that keeps people young or a way to run a marathon under current times etc etc.
Here's a TRAIL to rainmaking ......