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What this blog is about ....

This blog is about getting started on line .... and being careful there! What should you be "selling" on line? That's entirely your choice - whether providing a service, enrolling down lines into programmes , drop shipping , selling memberships , info products or e-books etc etc .

But unless you are concerned about PERSONAL BRANDING  and getting yourself found among the millions of websites on line , please pick a book here and go home, read them/it for a bit of self evaluation or watch some more movies or find some other cozy stuff.

To be spotted on line by the Empire Scout , Google ,  you need a domain name and hosting. 

Right after that you 'll have to trudge that old silk route that will never go away - i.e. getting site visitors - and that leads us to marketing  or  traffic.

There are several ways to bring traffic to your site , but about the best is instant traffic.

Unless you look into the above , your online presence will be 'no prescence'