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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Teen Jobs

When you think of summer and teenagers : beach times, ice cream , all night parties , car cruises and those never ending  cell phone chats plonk into mind and... work? Yes, what about work ? The current  economic crisis has exacerbated the availability of employment opportunities  for youth in the labour market. A huge percentage of the young , particularly young women across the world are unable to find employment in the marketplace.The job market for teens today is further challenged because they'll have to  jockey against a much older, more experienced throng of job hunters not excluding immigrants as well.Youth population growth meanwhile continues to outpace job and economic growth .

To add to the woe there's a lot of employer angst as well in the marketplace when it comes to hiring teen workers : headaches , accommodations , faltering attendance rates , restrictions , lack of experience, and other liabilities.
And there's a worse scenario . A prolonged period of unemployment can cause young people to quit on job searches or be content to work willingly under unhappy conditions, incurring eventually, costs to the economy, to society and to their families. A lack of decent work, if  faced  from an early age, threatens to crush that teen's future employment prospects and may lead to unsuitable work behaviour patterns that can stretch into their lifetimes.
Although teen job seekers face being  roughed up by recession, these downturns  have driven home again the value of work. Maybe the best money to be made is in taking up on odd jobs. But there's another  frontier. It might be worth taking that small step.

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