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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Best Thing You Can Do About That 'Venture Fund'

What would you need to do to start building your own ' venture capital' out of the ordinary ways everyone or almost everyone does ?

Remember your old age funds? They could be halved off  in purchasing power by the time they come to greet you! 

And if you think your day job is going to do it - just go out into the streets and greet your fellow stragglers and plodders and whiners.

So how do you get to build this fund ? It all boils down to what you decide to do next in your life.

Every new day is a fresh lease of time for another race day, the olympics of your life . Whether you're going to snuggle up before the fireplace , watch 'em movies or ..or go out and be a wolf for your causes is your present moment decision.

Standing still - you'll only fall off the bicycle or just become floatsam.

The best thing you can do is BEING yourself . What can you teach or show the way to ? What would you burn for ? What makes you tick ? Are you going to work for your life or let life work for you ?

Do What Successful People Have Done 

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