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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Are You Digging New Wells ?

Water wells are dug to access groundwater in underground acquifiers.Wells are inexpensive and a low tech enterprise. Wells had been an important source of water needed for drinking and cooking down the ages.Where surface water was not easily available , wells came to the rescue.If not for wells, Mankind's habitable spaces would have been severely limited and confined. People built permanent communities around wells and water springs These waters enabled farming , irrigation of farmlands,trade, travel and food supply chains.From earliest times WELL DIGGING , digging new wells has been symbolic of finding life,putting down roots and starting communities that grew into nations.Digging new wells has been symbolic of a never give up attitude, of clambering ,overcoming obstacles to stake a family;s or families's future.We all have a need to dig new wells.The digging of new wells is something one NEVER quits on.But wells too are not forever - they can run dry or be out of water down the road.Dig new wells BEFORE your present one runs dry by a layoff ,an illness, or the company has gone under or be imperiled by a yet unseen sudden desolation like that unfolding now with the COVID-19 pandemic.Governments can topple and economies collapse.You owe it to yourself to find new wells.
“When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water.”- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1746